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Best bite we've seen in years!


Water temp: 48 Degrees

Level: 3.1

The fall bite is nearing the point of being unbelievable. We've seen a huge influx of giant Saugers move into the river along with more and more Walleyes daily. As a side note: PLEASE RELEASE THESE LARGE FEMALE SAUGERS. They are our future. There are plenty of 16 to 18" fish to take home for dinner.

The bite the past few weeks has been mainly a jigging rap / blade bait bite with a host of other techniques mixed in. Honestly, you could catch them any way you wanted to.

Now, we are starting to see a transition to plastics, hair jigs, Dubuque rigs etc. These presentations will become more and more prominent as the water cools.

We do have a few cabin openings left for November and December and want to remind you to start booking your spring reservations now as we will begin to fill up soon.

Good luck out there!

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